Edge-Launch SMA Installation Do’s & Don’ts

Edge launch SMAs can short out to the internal copper layers as a result of some preparation and installation methods. Watch for these gotchas if you don’t like board shorts. These shorts can create hard-to-diagnose or hard-to-locate power sinks, blown fuses, blown protection diodes, and localized or broad board heating.

Ideas for Bug Reporting

Everybody’s time and efforts are valuable. With just a couple moments of extra time to flesh out some details regarding a bug report, usability issue, or even a feature request, you’ll get results much faster, and help keep the project humming along. It’s understood that you might not always have time to do so. Just …

Installing and Running Lattice Semi iCEcube2 on 64-bit Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on VMWare Fusion 11.0 running on Mac OS X

Legal Note: Dear Lattice Semi: If you dislike the screenshot being here or if this somehow violates your terms, please forgive me/us. The idea is that by providing these notes here, it will help your business by giving a quick start for others who are trying to install this. Just get in touch if you …