IF2C: Charging

Plug in a USB Mini B terminated charging cable to a standard USB port or equivalent 5VDC 500mA capacity AC-DC adapter. The IF2C is populated to charge at a maximum current of 500mA from the 5VDC charging source. This can be changed. Especially for Lithium chemistries is it safest and best practice to charge only …

IF2C: GXN-Hosted Power Consumption Data

Data here is important for understanding the impact of configuration and software on power consumption for any system. With a stack of the HDL-0108-IF2C + DL0102GXN at this prototype revision, the near minimum power consumption is 11.2mA from a 4.1VDC source (aka charged SC-LiPoly). That’s not small enough for real field battery-powered deployment. The main …

IF2C: Example Data Acquisition Sequence

For IF2C as of this writing (Feb 2019), demo of sending commands while you’re waiting for the UT software package to be updated, so you can play now. Tools used here: DL0102GXN, IF2C, XBee DM 2.4GHz radio on the HOST (not sleeping for these tests), another of the same radio model in a USB dongle …

DL0102G vs DL0102GXN – Channel Isolation

The “GXN” is a DLITE-Family compatible 2-Channel R&D ultrasonic (UT) board with high channel-to-channel isolation. It is a mod for specific applications, and a prototype for future designs and revs. This brief is about the channel-to-channel isolation on the GXN. A complete list of updated features will be available soon … Compared with the “G”, …